Page 12 - BEC / JULY / 2022
P. 12
Residential Rental Property Legislative Assembly Building - Interior
The Government of Nunavut infrastructure the highest quality products and services, for both
project included 10 office buildings in 10 different construction and property management operations
communities to accommodate the decentralized and tenants.
model of government. The Iqaluit location
includes facilities for the Legislative Assembly. By 2001, NCC completed buildings valued at $160
250 staff housing units were allocated to 11 million for lease to the Government of Nunavut. By
different communities, aligned with the regional 2008, NCC completed Inuksugait Plaza, its premier
administrative centers. residential and commercial complex in Iqaluit
valued at $40million.
When NCC was created, two subsidiaries—NCC
Properties Limited and NCC Development Limited— In 2011, Atuqtuarvik Corporation and NCC Properties
were incorporated along side of it to manage and Limited entered into a partnership, NCC/AC
to build a real estate portfolio and to provide third Industrial Park. The partnership completed the
party construction services. The bedrock of these construction of three buildings in Iqaluit between
companies is providing Inuit with opportunities 2011 and 2013, consisting of 25,500 square feet of
for employment and contracting while delivering heated warehouse space. This warehouse space is