bec june - page 110

part of this really strong interdisciplinary
team—comprised of bridge engineers,
transportation engineers, architects, land-
scape architects, environmental consul-
tants, heritage restoration consultants,
technical consultants—has been just one
of the highlights.”
Most civil bridges in Edmonton are girder
bridges, explains Montgomery, with short-
er spans and tiers in the water. “So, to
span from one river bank to another with
an arch bridge is something pretty special,
especially when you consider how few
arch bridges that have been built in Canada
The $155-million project will usher in a
new vision for the city, one with a revital-
ization of the River Valley area, and a cata-
lyst of the area for redevelopment at the
core. “The notion of connecting the bridge
to the shared-use paths in the city, to be a
magnet to draw people down to the wa-
ter was something that we wanted to do,”
says Montgomery.
“This is much more than just a river cross-
ing,” adds Ryan Teplitsky, the City’s con-
struction project manager. “This is an
inner-city landmark that would shape
110 business elite canada
JUNE 2017
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