bec june - page 119

rooms for classes, banquets and studio
work to name a few, and will be run un-
der the providence of the Calgary YMCA.
There will also be a unique, self-service li-
brary, the first of its kind in Calgary.
Ripley says the location of the RRRF is im-
portant because the area is growing—up
to 40,000 new residents a year less than
three years ago—and was previously un-
derserved. “We recognize that there was a
great portion of the population that wasn’t
being served with recreational facilities,”
says Ripley.
“The intention is to serve all Calgarians,
and the facility location was ultimately de-
termined by availability of land on the edge
of the city but as the city grows out even
further to the north it’ll be surrounded by
residents there as well as expected, the
RRRF will serve those residents as well”.
JUNE 2017
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