bec june - page 113

light show that will coordinate with a mas-
sive firework display.
Consultants on the project include ISL En-
gineering and Land Services Ltd, DIALOG
Design (who contributed on bridge de-
sign, urban design and construction man-
agement), and Buckland & Taylor, the sub
consultant to DIALOG for bridge design,
who worked collaboratively with the city
to bring this vision to life. “The point and
the vision was set our early in the project,
when the charter was developed,” con-
tinues Teplitsky. “From the planning and
design process, we wanted to have that
vision that it would be a unique structure
located in heart of the river valley, that
would respect its setting, and create a
landmark gateway into downtown.”
Construction in Edmonton is a familiar
sight in these past few years. The City has
invested $5.5 billion, concentrating on the
downtown core. The Royal Alberta Muse-
um, MacEwan University Centre for Arts
and Culture, Edmonton Brewery District,
and Rogers Place are but a few examples
of areas and buildings getting major up-
grades in 2017. “Businesses want to be in
thriving places,” says Teplitsky. “There is a
lot of development in Edmonton, and with
billions of dollars of investment, business-
es are starting to this landmark piece of
infrastructure as another thing that makes
people say ‘I’m proud to be in Edmonton’.”
JUNE 2017
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