particular group of only 25 employees
from Corgan accomplished this feat, doing
three and a half years’ worth of work with-
out a single lost-time incident.
According to Graham, a lot of people throw
around the word “vertically integrated”. “A
lot of companies claim that they are ver-
tically integrated and that isn’t really true.
Corrigan is probably one of the few com-
panies that is truly vertically integrated,”
he said. In reality, companies claiming
vertical integration operate multiple com-
panies, but Graham says that Corgan is
one company and it is self-sufficient. “So
if I need an electrician, we use one of our
electricians. I don't go to one of my other
companies and get an electrician. It's all
in-house,” he added.
The current challenge is that there aremore
workers, companies and service providers
than there are jobs. The Corgan Group op-
erates on six sites across the oil sands in-
dustry, but many industry giants are scal-
ing back, cutting their own employees and
MARCH 2017
business elite canada 83