By Emily Innes
anada's telecom company Fiber-
netics Corporation started with
three men working in a base-
ment in Cambridge, Ontario but has
grown substantially over the past de-
cade, reaching more than 250 employ-
ees. The company's president attributes
the recent growth — including last year's
50-percent spike — in part to Fibernet-
ics’ new focus on continually improving
their company culture.
“We have come together as a group like
never before,” said John Stix, company
Co-founder and President, who started
the business 11 years ago with his long-
time business partner Jody Schnarr,
Chairman and Executive Officer, and Mi-
chael Brown, the VP of Sales. “We share
the same vision . . . and we created our
own new company purpose that we live
by every day. The purpose of our phone
and internet company is to deliver happi-
ness and connections every day by be-
ing awesome.”
The happiness portion of the purpose
statement refers to their own happiness,
to that of their workmates, of their em-
ployees, of their vendors, and, of course,
their customers. Fibernetics wants to fa-
cilitate connections through the internet
and phone service they provide, but also
with their customers and their team-
“Being awesome means we are trying to
walk in the door and put everything be-
hind us even if we have not had a good
day so far,” said Stix. “It means realizing
that we are going to try to be awesome,
but we are not always going to be awe-
some. But maybe our teammate is awe-
some that day and they can lift us up.”
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