solution from a service perspective, but .
. . all the calling is going over the internet
that everyone uses every day and you can-
not manage that. Inevitably you will have
calls that will fail (or get broken up).”
Having access to Canada’s fiber-optic in-
frastructure and access to the rates regu-
lated by the CRTC rather than the incum-
bents is what Stix believes allows them to
stand out from their competitors. “What
that does is it gives us autonomy to be as
disruptive as we want,” he said. “We differ-
entiate ourselves in many regards, but one
is we are determined to not make enor-
mous margins on a per-customer basis,
deliver strong value at a healthy margin for
the business, at the same time undercut-
ting or coming to a true price for the con-
sumer, and we also put a strong emphasis
on customer service.”
As customer service is a priority for Fiber-
netics, they always aim to have short phone
66 business elite canada