BEC / October / 2013 - page 3

Dear readers,
As Shakespeare once wrote “all the world’s a stage, and all the men and women mere-
ly players.” Man’s fictitious demeanor to adapt in our perceived realities is a given, but
who’s to say honesty is a commodity we can’t afford in today’s modern age? I chal-
lenge the worlds (and a certain playwrights) cynical approaches to human exchanges
and say, yes, ethicality still exists. Like the errors that occur when putting pen to pa-
per, the business world can use its share of white out, and such like the ever-changing
Canadian climate, converting a warm breeze into a chilled wind, the business world
remains in a state of flux. Afickle mother nature is no match for the economies ups and
downs; though the persons involved in the age-old dance we call business put forth a
humanizing approach to the iron cage. Our Fall issue attests to companies that exude ethical methods to achieve
their goals and gives praise to those industries that, together, tell a story of nationalism and pride in entrepreneur-
ial freedom.
Our cover story epitomizes the free-spirited nature of business methods, often overlooked, and the pillars that
create the North American dream. Starting from a sketch and ending in an architectural masterpiece, Burka Archi-
tects have put Mississauga, Ontario on the map. The award-winning Absolute Towers has challenged traditional
architectural laws and reinvents innovation through modernism. Through the eyes of the eccentric Attila Burka,
generations can be inspired after gazing at the staple “Marilyn Monroe” Towers, and believe that an idea can turn
into an art form.
Next we turn to a different kind of art form, the more rational yet still beautiful, technology. As our computers
become faster and flashier, our knowledge about this industry remains stagnant. Quebec’s own CIARA creates
public awareness through their state of the art systems, inspiring fast-forward thinking in today’s not-so-paper-
less-world. However if a personal touch is needed on professional transactions, Walker Drilling is called to the
plate to deliver its services to the top dogs in the mining and energy industry respectfully.
Finally, as western Canada becomes the pinnacle of growth and strength, Alberta’s LandSolutions takes it upon
itself to make sure businesses have a strong foundation, in the literal sense of the word, to operate on. In keeping
with the Albertan fortitude, the City of Calgary not only is the heart of Alberta, but also represents a majority of
the nation’s construction activity as it dives into the most expensive road project in the city to date with the Airport
Trail Tunnel Project.
We thank you for your readership and hope you enjoy the detailed descriptions about the growing enterprises in
your, mine and our Canada.
Warm regards,
Mudeeha Yousaf
business elite canada
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