BEC / October / 2013 - page 8

CIARA Technologies, found-
ed in Montreal in 1984, is a
leading global provider of IT
products, technologies, soft-
ware, solutions and services
to small and medium sized-
businesses, large enterprises
and to the public sector such
as government, defense and
educational entities. CIARA
designs, develops, markets,
services and supports a va-
riety of computer systems
ranging from mobile devices
to high-end supercomputers.
Although it is primarily based
in Canada, CIARA serves cus-
tomers located in more than
60 countries across 5 conti-
Business Elite Canada recently
conducted a telephone inter-
view with Jonathan Ahdoot,
the Executive Vice President
of Sales and Marketing at Ci-
ara, and sought an elaboration
of Ciara’s business model and
strategy as well as his per-
spective on the current chal-
lenges facing the IT market-
place. Ahdoot, who joined the
family owned and operated
business in 1999, relishes the
role CIARA plays as a leader
in the field of Mission Critical
IT requirement, High Per for-
mance Computing and OEM/
ODM Appliance Services.
Facing strong competition
from industry heavyweights
such as IBM, Dell and HP, CI-
ARA strives to differentiate it-
self by the quality, reliability
and affordability of its manu-
factured products. In a com-
petitive global market, com-
panies are always searching
for ways to lower costs, and
this mission is often translated
into outsourcing the labour
component of manufacturing
to Asia. “Major IT manufac-
turers tend to produce their
products in huge volumes that
cater to a mass market con-
sumer audience. The princi-
pal underlying idea surround-
ing this business model is to
pigeon-hole the customer’s
business elite canada
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