tions the customer is running, not only
is the per formance of the system bet-
ter but it also oftentimes costs less. It
really is a win-win situation and the
results have been amazing.”
Looking to the future, CIARA plans
to expand its manufacturing capabili-
ties, and with the purchase of a 50,000
square foot facility in Mississauga, it is
clear that Canada remains an impor-
tant component of its business model.
“We are very excited with the opening
of this new facility in Mississauga as it
will allow us to better service our cus-
tomers in Ontario and Western Canada
and diversify our manufacturing capa-
bilities in Canada.” Not content with
only expanding within Canada, Ah-
doot added, “our service network is
global. We have offices in Miami and
Minneapolis and have recently opened
offices in Scottsdale, Arizona and Bos-
ton. We also have plans to open offices
in Rotterdam and Hong Kong before
the end of 2013.”
For nearly 30 years, CIARA has pro-
vided IT products, services, and solu-
tions of the highest quality, and it con-
tinues to focus on delivering the best
customer experience to the market.
Customer focus, leadership, quality,
and tailored construction – these are
the pillars on which CIARA stands in
the marketplace.
business elite canada