BEC / October / 2013 - page 10

needs and requirements to
the standard solutions pro-
vided by this output. We in-
stead decided to focus our
energies on catering our prod-
ucts to customer needs and
building our business model
around this concept.’’ Ahdoot
explains. Through the invalu-
able experience gained by its
interactions with customers
throughout the years, Ciara
has ascertained that custom-
ers are seeking customized
solutions that are cost effec-
tive, reliable and flexible, with
a short lead time for delivery.
In keeping with its customer-
centric orientation, Ciara has
determined that it is in the
best interest of both the cus-
tomer and Ciara to maintain
its manufacturing facilities in
“Although labour costs are
certainly higher in Canada
than those that exist in the
Orient, the labour cost differ-
ential is more than offset by
reduced shipping costs, great-
er control over the quality of
output, the added flexibility
we can offer our customers as
well as by a greater positive
synergy between the system
engineers and the manufac-
turing process that produces
the product.” As the cus-
tomer demands an increas-
ing level of customization of
Ciara products, lead times to
fulfill these requirements and
to quickly carry out requested
modifications and changes
have been drastically reduced
by keeping production in-
house. Attempts to outsource
the production of customized
solutions to low-cost coun-
tries overseas are usually met
with frustrating delays arising
from such barriers as language
issues and lengthy lead times
that can reach up to 12 weeks
of shipping by boat. Electing
to ship by air as an alternative
means of transport would un-
doubtedly defeat the purpose
of outsourcing production
business elite canada
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