Page 47 - BEC / OCT / 2022
P. 47
Solar photovoltaic cells, also known as building integrated
photovoltaics (BIPV).
the building structure was conducive to this type of demonstrates climate leadership through optimal
use and it could support the addition of two more building performance and innovative carbon-
floors.” reduction strategies.
Supported by the Government of Alberta and key “The new complex is on track to consume 85 per
donors, retrofitting of the 33,000-square-metre cent less energy than the former MacKimmie,” says
MacKimmie Tower began in 2018. By spring of Dragicevic.
2020, the floors of UCalgary’s first net-zero carbon
building were ready to accommodate more than Instrumental to achieving this are elements such as
1,300 faculty and staff. the photo-voltaic panels on the tower roof as well
as the façade and roof of the lower block, which
These extensive sustainable efforts were combined will produce more than 600 MWh of
recognized in 2020 when the MacKimmie Complex carbon-free electricity each year. “So that is very
received the CaGBC Excellence in Green Building: exciting,” says Dragicevic. “We made this building
Zero Carbon national award from the Canada Green even a little bit bigger, but it uses less than one-sixth
Building Council, an award presented annually to a of the energy that the original building did and that’ll
team responsible for a new or existing building that have benefits for the university for the next 50 years.”