Page 49 - BEC / OCT / 2022
P. 49
MacKimmie Tower is wrapped in sustainable design, on the university’s main campus, says Dragicevic.
with an exterior “double-skin” that provides a
highly efficient, glazed envelope around the original “Not only did we revitalize and bring back an aging
concrete structure. According to Dragicevic, this and inefficient building, but we revitalized that
façade will respond to changing weather through part of the campus,” he says. “It allows us to free
day and nighttime, and the changing seasons, up space around campus to do our core business,
requiring less energy to keep building interior which is education and research. By having other
temperatures comfortable. Through a combination administrative groups and faculties move into
of automated windows and blinds, the skin of the the tower, it has allowed us to free up strategic
building facilitates natural ventilation and passive education and research space on the campus.”
heating and cooling. This is a first of its kind in
Canada, working in concert with the mechanical Striving to be net carbon-neutral in its annual
system to decrease energy consumption and operation and pursuing LEED Platinum certification
improve the indoor environment in terms of thermal for Building Design and Construction, MacKimmie
comfort, day lighting and air quality. Complex is currently one of the most energy-
efficient buildings operating on a Canadian post-
Beyond its environmental impact, the rejuvenated secondary campus.
MacKimmie Complex will have a profound impact