Agri Marche - page 11

“That’s really where our fo-
cus is, on selling our results.
We test our own products in
our own farms and our idea
here is to maximize our own
revenues, and that translates
into maximizing the revenues
of our clients as well, so if it’s
good for us, it’s good for our
clients,” said Patrice.
Agri Marche’s strong fam-
ily cohesion at the basis of its
management strategy is what
Patrice believes will see it rise
to adapt to the challenges of
a saturated market.
“Obviously, we’re dealing
with a mature industry, so we
have to find ways to continue
our growth. Some of it will
come fromorganic growth, in-
ternal growth, some of it will
come from acquisitions, and
being a mature industry for
us to have competitive pric-
es, it’s a question of volume,
that’s why our need for us to
grow is to continue to have
our choice place in terms of
volume with our suppliers,”
said Patrice.
“But, preparing the next
generation to take over the
reins of the previous genera-
tion is the important ground
work we must do to see that
steady growth continues,
from where ever it comes,
into the future.”
Jean-Pierre, Guylaine and Patrice Brochu
JULY 2014
business elite canada
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