Agri Marche - page 9

that an ideal value for Agri
Marche would generally be
85-90 cents to the U.S. dollar.
Patrice says the company
was not really affected by the
most well known threat to the
agricultural industry of sever-
al years ago with the so-called
“Mad Cow” disease and food
recalls over the years due to
contamination issues in the
feed supply.
“In terms of product quality,
we have had to work through
the Canadian Food Inspec-
tion Agency (CFIA) in order to
respect their guidelines, our
feed mills have to be HACCP
approved,” said Patrice.
HACCP is a production con-
trol system in Canada for
monitoring food safety. Every
year, Agri Marche is audited
and their production systems
are validated to be safe and
compliant with regulation.
Agri Marche also has an in-
ternal traceablity program
whereby the company can
trace back feed lots on farms
to their origin.
“We’ve invested a consid-
erable amount of money in
the last few years on a fully
integrated ERP system.” It’s
very rare of a feed company
to have such an IT system in
place and working,” said Pa-
Research and development
has also played an increasing-
ly practical and organic role in
terms of the company’s com-
petitive edge as a producer
and a feed mill manufacturer.
“We stay innovative in terms
JULY 2014
business elite canada
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