Marche’s all-in-the-family ap-
proach to management has
developed over the years to
hone an efficient decision-
making process.
“I think what we’ve done
over the last number of years
is look at the client needs
and focused on the agility we
have to turn things around.
This is especially the case
when we see things coming
down the pipe and we have
to make changes in advance.
We have a very lean manage-
ment system where decisions
are made quickly, they’re
endorsed, and things move
fast,” said company presi-
dent, Patrice Brochu.
This winning decision-mak-
ing system is thanks to taking
a traditional family-run oper-
ation and professionalizing it
over the years to meet mod-
ern market demands.
“We’ve professionalized the
business. Yes, it’s still a family
business at heart, but we’ve
professionalized it. We have
a family council whereby our
vice presidents every quarter
meet with an advisory council,
which includes three share-
holders of Agri Marche, plus
two external advisors, and
we review the whole opera-
tion. These external advisors
give guidance to us for stra-
tegic alignments. Every three
business elite canada
JULY 2014