business elite canada
JUNE 2014
tantly to our global market,
the TITUS DESS provides a mi-
gration road map from high
temperature district heating
systems to lower tempera-
ture, lower carbon, lower
cost utilities that can be inte-
grated together. The TITUS
DESS also provides a means
to leverage a high value re-
source like heating and cool-
ing to pay for the delivery of a
resource we have historically
thrown out, reclaimed water.
This allows utilities to be inte-
grated and/or work together
to be more sustainable.
For example, one Euro-
pean project that TITUS is
looking at has a sewer main
that runs along the east side
of the project and represents
an ideal source for heating,
cooling along with recovery
and reuse of reclaimed wa-
ter. A district heating trunk
runs along the north side,
and crosses the sewer main
on the north east corner and
lowest point of the site. An
estimated 16% of the annual
heating will be provided by
energy sharing from within
the community. About 76%
of the annual heating, cool-
ing and domestic hot water
will be provided from sewer
heat recovery. And finally,
the district heating return
line will provide the balance
of the peak and backup heat-
ing. Irrigation, toilet flushing
and laundry water, making up
over 50% of the water sup-
ply requirement is planned
to come from almost drinking
quality, reclaimed water.
Lindquist notes that, “The
district heating return line
carries energy that was not
used by the existing com-
munity. By using energy
from the return line, we im-
prove the energy usage and
the thermal efficiency of the
incumbent district heating
company. By recovering and
reusing the reclaimed water
from the sewer line, we re-
duce the downstream costs
of the sewage network and
increase the life expectancy
of the existing water reclama-
tion systems. For utilities that
choose to franchise the TITUS
Platform, we provide them a
roadmap to streamline their
business and move to lower
temperature, lower carbon,
with the opportunity to inte-
grate with other utilities and