Titus Infrastructure - page 11

JUNE 2014
business elite canada
become more profitable.”
When discussing the chal-
lenges and advantages that
exists in Canada for renew-
able utilities solutions, “I think
the wonderful thing about liv-
ing in Canada is that we don’t
have a lot of the technologi-
cal baggage and infrastruc-
ture baggage that a lot of the
rest of the world has and we
have been able to start with
a blank piece of paper. What
that enables us to do is forget
about how it’s always been
done before and how that
might impede our ability to
innovate. Canada as a whole,
and B.C. in particular, is rec-
ognized globally on a num-
ber of fronts with respect to
renewable energy and, water
reclamation. So to me living
in Canada is the perfect place
to launch a company focused
on sustainability and renew-
able utilities,” said Lindquist.
TITUS Infrastructure plans
to take what it has learned
from operating in the Ca-
nadian market, and apply
these solutions to the global
market. These are innova-
tive solutions that are equally
valuable for its domestic and
international partners and
customers alike.
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