business elite canada
JUNE 2014
The capital costs for Whis-
tler’s DESS were around $5
million. When we compare
this to the approximately $30
million it would cost to put in
a competitive district heating
system like South East False
Creek has, there is consider-
able savings. For Whistler a
comparable district heating
system would have cost $20
to $25 million for the distri-
bution system and its insu-
lated steel pipes and $5 to $8
million for the energy centre
and high temperature heat
pump, and Whistler would
have been limited to provid-
ing heating only.
“The beautiful thing about
Whistler is that it’s a district
energy sharing system. It re-
covers energy from a second-
ary wastewater treatment
plant, delivers it out into the
community and provides
both heating and cooling for
about 400 units. It reduces
the energy supply require-
ments into that community
by about 50 per cent,” said
Lindquist. “When the waste-