Titus Infrastructure - page 7

JUNE 2014
business elite canada
community we can reduce
the capital costs, the operat-
ing costs and make the utili-
ties more profitable and pro-
vide a sustainable utility rate
for the consumers, which is
really our #1 objective. This
way we create a win/win op-
portunity for everyone. And
if we can do that, we’ll be in-
credibly successful globally,”
he said.
Formany communities and
developers alike the patented
District Energy Sharing Sys-
tem is truly a beautiful thing
for reducing harmful environ-
mental impact, improving the
sustainability of energy and
natural renewable resources,
and retaining a profit—it’s an
all around win-win solution.
TITUS and its partners have
invested almost $700,000 in
patents; the most notewor-
thy projects the company has
been involved in include West
Hills, Capital City Centre, Shell
Park Place in Fort McMurray
Alberta, and Whistler Olym-
pic Athlete’s Village in BC.
“There was nothing more
difficult than having to ap-
pease the needs of the vari-
ous Olympic organizing com-
mittees and their concerns
around making sure no ath-
lete comes to them and
says, “We didn’t win a gold
medal because I had a cold
shower in the morning,” said
Lindquist, of the Whistler Ath-
lete’s Village project. During
the 2010 Winter Olympics,
the Whistler Athlete’s Village
DESS provided heating, cool-
ing, and domestic hot water
for 2800 athletes, and now
provides similar services for a
community of 400 single fam-
ily dwellings, condominiums,
hotel and hostel units.
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