by startups. Bold was founded bootstrap-
style with zero investors or outside help.
“It’s tough as a small startup company to
get recognition and/or help. It’s hard to get
noticed in Manitoba as a small startup,”
Maynard said.
When Bold first encountered rapid growth,
its target markets were in the U.S., the UK
and Australia. Consequently, the company
was unknown in its home province for a
while and this impeded the hiring process.
The solution? More involvement in Winni-
peg’s local community.
Tech companies can easily spring up with-
out an office or large staff, meaning that
a competitor can appear overnight. Bold’s
challenge is to continue being a leader in
app development in the midst of this com-
petition and the company is doing this by
following the motto ‘innovate or die’ and
staying on top of trends.
For example, specific to the eCommerce
world is the increased popularity of recur-
JUNE 2016
business elite canada