Page 3 - FortisBC
P. 3

By Tina Costanza                                        A key benefit of the Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion
                                                                Project is the improvement of the resiliency of the

                       n expansion to increase storage and      system that supplies B.C. homes and businesses
                       meet rising demand for liquefied         with natural gas.

                       natural gas (LNG) is in the works

        Aat FortisBC’s Tilbury LNG facility in                  The upgrade would also help support FortisBC’s
        Delta, B.C.                                             target to cut greenhouse gas emissions associated

                                                                with its customers’ energy use by 30 per cent

        The Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion project is part       overall by 2030, marking one of the most ambitious
        of an overall upgrade at the facility, which is being   emissions reduction targets in the Canadian utility

        carried out to increase storage and enable FortisBC     sector.

        to meet increasing demand for LNG overseas and
        for use as a lower-carbon fuel for ships.               Construction on Phase 1 began in October 2014.

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