Page 7 - FortisBC
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Photo Credit – FortisBC
as fuel. Customers in Asia have also expressed a including everything from professional services
growing interest in buying LNG from Canada. to manufacturing and engineering, and will reach
In British Columbia, the economy will benefit from northeastern B.C., the hub of where gas is produced.
the Tilbury LNG expansion through the creation of
jobs and contracting opportunities during planning THE WORK BEFORE
and construction. About 110 long-term jobs are CONSTRUCTION BEGINS
expected to have been created once construction is
finished. The Tilbury LNG facility has been providing British
Columbians with natural gas on the coldest days of
“We are committed to creating jobs for local workers the year for nearly half a century.
through education and training programs, as well as
direct and indirect opportunities,” Stout says. The storage expansion project is subject to
regulation by the British Columbia Utilities
These economic benefits will also extend to Commission (BCUC). FortisBC is preparing to file an
the industries that support the LNG industry, application with the BCUC later this year and
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