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Photo Credit – FortisBC
The organization requested that the Environmental feedback to the regulatory agencies.
Assessment Office extend early engagement on
the Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project from 90 FortisBC has said it is committed to continuing
days to 150 days. At the same time, it requested the engagement with the local community, including
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to suspend opportunities for dialogue throughout the regulatory
its assessment of the project. Engagement resumed processes. The feedback it receives will form part of
with a public comment period from June 1 to July 16. its application to the EAO and IAAC.
“We’re continuing to engage on projects that are If approved, Phase 2 construction could start as
considered vital to our energy infrastructure,” says early as 2022 and be complete by 2028.
Stout. “We’re also taking steps to keep our customers,
our employees and the public safe, including using
alternative methods such as teleconferences and lng-expansion-project
virtual open house tools to engage with Indigenous
groups, stakeholders and the public.”
This early engagement phase gives the public,
Indigenous Groups and stakeholders an opportunity
to learn more about the project and provide
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