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Last year, a new storage tank and the first new the site’s storage capacity and store enough energy
liquefaction train went into service. An additional to keep a community of 70,000 people warm for 45
Phase 1 liquefaction train is still in development. very cold days, and expanded liquefaction capacity
A marine jetty is also proposed to make it easier of up to 3.5 million tonnes per year.
for marine and international customers to access
LNG from Tilbury and is nearing completion of its The new Tilbury LNG storage tank is expected to be
Environmental Assessment process. Construction in service by 2025, while the Phase 2 liquefaction
of the rest of Phase 1 and the marine jetty could equipment expansion may be in service by 2026.
begin as early as 2021.
“Our facility is ideally positioned to meet these
The proposed Phase 2 expansion includes a new opportunities and we’re aiming to elevate Tilbury’s
tank of up to 162,000 cubic metres that could triple role in the global transition to lower-carbon
Teamsters Local Union
213 is proud to have
been a participant in the
first phase of the Tilbury
LNG and are eagerly
waiting the next phase.
Teamsters Local Union
213 enjoyed a great
working relationship
with the management
team on site as well as
had great success in the
hiring of First Nations
and woman in trades.
We all play our part in better training
the global transition to
lower carbon energy by higher wages
being involved in this
project and will see the safer worksites
benefits it will bring
not only to the local Teamsters Local 213
community but to all 604-876-5213
British Columbians. JointTraining School 604-874-3654
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