Page 11 - Lumeca Health
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“Unless they’re dying, they don’t
really want to go to the hospital
or to a clinic, because they see it’s
not required to drive and wait in a
waiting room.”
— Shawn Hazen, founder, Lumeca Health
with their healthcare in multiple jurisdictions
that has multiple layers of different regulatory
frameworks and policies and laws that you have to
follow, it’s a complex system to build from a medical
standpoint. And you’re dealing with different
licensing bodies and different healthcare authorities
and medical associations. There’s a lot of unknowns
that we’re still figuring out; not only Lumeca, but
even our competitors — we’re figuring a lot of things
Lumeca Health is only available to residents of
Saskatchewan, but it plans to expand to other
more familiar and comfortable with the service.”
Hazen would rather keep private the precise number
“We were going outward literally a couple of weeks
of people who have downloaded the app so far, but
prior to the COVID-19 pandemic being officially
does reveal it’s been “thousands and thousands.”
announced,” says Hazen. “Then we pivoted quickly
and we were all hands on deck and focused 100 per
Arriving at those numbers has involved a challenge
cent on Saskatchewan. And now we are continuing
or two. Hazen cites a lack of precedence, or pathway
with our expansion plans and providing greater and
to follow, when it comes to building something new.
greater access to healthcare.”
“It’s such a big space and there’s a lot of moving
parts,” says Hazen. “When you’re trying to build a
product that is essentially a service to help people
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