Page 7 - Lumeca Health
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It was challenging and expensive to bring the
doctors to the site, however, so it occurred to Hazen “(Lumeca Health) was born inside
one day to connect doctors and patients virtually. my other company from seeing a
need first-hand for improving
“I said, ‘Doc, can you just call the site and chat access to healthcare.”
with our nurse and just liaise with the patient like — Shawn Hazen, founder, Lumeca Health
that?’ And them texting became a thing and then
FaceTime became a thing.” my other company from seeing a need first-hand for
improving access to healthcare.”
Hazen’s background is as a paramedic. He thought,
“Well we don’t really have a systematic approach to A NORTH AMERICAN FIRST
offer safe, simple and secure healthcare, it just kind
of MacGyvers through texting and FaceTime with no Lumeca Health has improved Cowessess First
record, no care planning, no security or privacy, no Nation’s access to healthcare. The company
protocols or anything like that. So my health-care brought physician care to patients through the
hat came on and we started to design and architect launch of its Health Pod, a first in North America.
the platform and started to build the first version of The pod, equipped with cameras, microphones and
the application. (Lumeca Health) was born inside a touchscreen, allows patients to access a doctor
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