Page 3 - Inter Pipeline Heartland Petrochemical Complex
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t’s a material used everyday, even if we may not The Heartland Petrochemical Complex—or HPC—is
all know it by name. A new manufacturing plant a world-class facility. Once complete, the facility will
Iin Strathcona County, Alberta, will be Canada’s convert locally-sourced and low-cost propane into
first polypropylene manufacturer, a material that is approximately 525,000 tonnes per year of the high
found in an extensive range of essential finished value, easily-transportable plastic.
products and consumer goods such as healthcare
products, medical supplies, textiles and lightweight “Polypropylene is one of the most widely used
automotive components. plastics in the world,” explains David Chappell,
Senior Vice President, Petrochemical Development.
Inter Pipeline’s Heartland Petrochemical Complex, “It can be identified by the recyclable classification
North America’s first integrated propane #5. It can be found in a wide variety of products
dehydrogenation and polypropylene facility, will such as medical PPE and equipment, and parts, Photo Credit- Inter Pipeline Ltd
be up and running in early 2022 producing one of which help to make vehicles lighter and safer, food
the most widely used plastics in the world, to be storage containers, personal hygiene items, textiles,
marketed as Heartland Polymers. furniture, building supplies, and more.”
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