Page 8 - Inter Pipeline Heartland Petrochemical Complex
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manufacturers meet growing demand as consumers seek

                                                         products with increased sustainability.

                                                         “With our unique commercial arrangements, we are sharing

                                                         some of the higher value petrochemical value chain with

                                                         the propane producers and the polypropylene consumers,”
                                                         says Chappell. “HPC capacity is currently approximately 60

                                                         percent contracted, and we are well on our way to meeting
                                                         our goal of entering service with at least 70 percent of the

                                                         capacity contracted.”

      Photo Credit- Inter Pipeline Ltd                   “You want to keep operating costs low as possible, which is
                                                         POSITION IN THE MARKET

                                                         a model we’re following at the HPC. Our facility has one of

                                                         the lowest costs for polypropylene production in the world,”
                                                         says Chappell.


             est.1952                                                                             Learn more at

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