Page 13 - Inter Pipeline Heartland Petrochemical Complex
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best people in their field wanted to come join our      technology and on-site hydrogen-augmented power

        group. From engineers to construction to the safety     and utilities generation, the polypropylene produced

        experts, and that brings in additional knowledge        at HPC is anticipated to have a greenhouse gas
        and some additional dependability.”                     emissions footprint 65 percent lower than the global

        “The market is really looking forward to our

        production coming online because of Inter               In fact, HPC is expected to have among the

        Pipeline’s reputation for service reliability and       lowest GHG emissions profiles of any comparable
        because of the need to diversify.”                      integrated facility in the world, making its

                                                                production desirable by sustainability-minded
        LOW GREENHOUSE                                          global polypropylene consumers.


                                                                “This is something we are very proud of,” says
        Inter Pipeline is committed to building a sustainable   Chappell.

        future through its business practices, and the

        HPC has been designed to deliver to shareholders        CREATING OPPORTUNITY
        the benefit of sustainability as a commercial

        opportunity. Through the use of advanced                Chappell says that it is exciting to be a part of

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