Page 14 - Inter Pipeline Heartland Petrochemical Complex
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Photo Credit- Inter Pipeline Ltd
a company that is driving forward with such a “It’s also exciting to be partnering with great
significant project which adds value to a raw organizations like Women Building Futures (WBF) to
resource, and turns a low-value product into a high- help create opportunities for women to get high-
value one – creating jobs and generating revenue in quality job experience in the skilled trades, and with
the process. the North American Institute for Technology (NAIT)
on a $10 million initiative to research and identify
“This project is creating a lot of opportunity for opportunities to prevent plastic waste from entering
people, a lot of value for Inter Pipeline and our in the environment. It’s all part of what we call the
contracted partners, and it is great to be a part of a circular economy, where plastic waste is utilized as
business that is forward-thinking in its approach to a resource instead of a disposable.”
The Heartland Complex was designed with
sustainability as a key aspect of procurement and Contributing more than just polypropylene, the HPC
engineering. As a result, the HPC is expected to be will be a major boost to the Alberta economy. Once
one of the lowest greenhouse gas emitting facilities, in service, Inter Pipeline anticipates HPC will create
per tonne of polypropylene produced, in the world. over 1,000 direct and indirect full-time jobs, as well
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