Page 18 - Inter Pipeline Heartland Petrochemical Complex
P. 18

Photo Credit- Inter Pipeline Ltd

        appreciate the Government of Alberta’s support of       sustaining Alberta’s economy but for creating
        HPC, and we believe it sends a clear message to the     future growth,” said Andy Brooks, President and

        international investment community—future large-        Chief Executive Officer of Waiward Industrial
        scale petrochemical investments are welcome in          Management Services, one of Western Canada’s

        Alberta.”                                               largest construction companies and a key partner in

                                                                the fabrication of materials used in the construction
        “The Government of Alberta is proud to see the          of the HPC. “At a time when investment is truly

        first successful application approved through the       needed, this program helps keep tax-paying

        Alberta Petrochemicals Incentive Program. Projects      Albertans working and putting food on the table,
        like this are exactly what the province needs to        while also securing a strong future for Alberta with

        become a global centre of excellence in the growing     an exponential payback for taxpayers.”

        petrochemical sector,” said the Honorable Dale
        Nally, Alberta’s Associate Minister of Natural Gas      Inter Pipeline expects to have invested approximately

        and Electricity.                                        $4.2 billion into the project by the time it’s complete.
                                                                On average over the past few years, there has been

        “Programs like APIP are critical not only for           more than 3,000 men and women working on the

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