Page 16 - Inter Pipeline Heartland Petrochemical Complex
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Photo Credit- Inter Pipeline Ltd
as providing provincial and municipal governments to the significant contribution the HPC has and will
with nearly $50 million in annual tax revenue to continue to make to the Alberta economy.
support schools, roads, hospitals and other public
services and infrastructure. “HPC’s construction has created thousands of
well-paid technical, manufacturing and construction
Contracting and procuring locally throughout jobs over its multi-year build and has been a
construction of the HPC has brought significant symbol of hope during difficult economic times
benefits to the project, including superior service, for the Province,” says Christian Bayle, Inter
quality, timeliness and lower risk of damage to Pipeline’s President and CEO. “In total we expect
components during shipping. This locally-focused that roughly $3 billion or three quarters of the
approach has been especially beneficial in the project construction spend will be invested directly
COVID-19 environment, due to the safety and into materials and services provided by Alberta
logistical challenges the pandemic has created. businesses.”
In April, 2021, it was announced that $408 million “Furthermore, we expect HPC to generate hundreds
will be granted to the HPC under the Alberta of permanent high-quality full-time jobs and
Petrochemicals Incentive Program in recognition substantial ongoing tax revenue for government. We
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