Page 6 - Inter Pipeline Heartland Petrochemical Complex
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Photo Credit- Inter Pipeline Ltd
A GREAT THING “In Canada, we produce raw resources (in this case,
propane), then we normally ship them down to the
Canada is in an advantageous position to create US. They turn it into polypropylene, and then we
polypropylene. Propane—the ingredient needed for buy back for 4 to 5 times the initial value. So, we
polypropylene—is abundant in Canada and cheaper are breaking that model with this, because we are
than in the US, and Alberta is much less prone to making it here as opposed to shipping an awful
dramatic weather shutdowns due to hurricanes or lot of products around. A great thing to do here in
this winter’s big Texas snow storm than the nearest Canada.”
alternative - the US Gulf Coast.
Polypropylene comes in three types—impact
“In Canada we don’t produce polypropylene at copolymer, random copolymer, and homopolymer.
all,” says Chappell. “We import about 500 to 550 Chappell explains that the HPC will be producing
kilo-tonnes a year, almost all of it from the US. homopolymer initially with random copolymer to
That happens to be the same amount the HPC will follow. With the impressive sustainability focus of
produce.” HPC, polypropylene produced at the HPC will help
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