38 business elite canada
NOV 2014
The next venture for the Etera Group of Com-
panies was Etera Developments, which created
a connection between the two existing busi-
nesses through its work as a real estate devel-
opment company specializing in commercial
and residential properties. Etera Developments
partners with investors on specific projects,
providing leadership, financial reporting, and
project development throughout the life cycle
of the investment. Their team of professionals
covers all aspects of real estate development,
from architects and engineers to bankers, law-
yers, and municipal consultants. Capitalizing
on the synergies that exist between the three
companies is a key part of their overall mission,
allowing Etera to create efficiencies within the
group and adopt a leveraging approach.
The group’s vision is one of “professional proj-
ect management within the Western Canadian
construction industry.” Both Etera Construction
Management and Equinox follow processes
and procedures that ensure the highest quality
in their construction projects, supported by an
experienced management team for each of the
businesses. “Each of the operations has man-
“Each of the operations has managers and supervisors that are overseeing each
project to ensure that the expectations of the contract and the owners are met.”