business elite canada 85
comments we have received from the families,
the benefits clearly extend to them as well.”
The company is commemorating its 50
anniversary with an initiative called
Across Canada.
This initiative will grant a trav-
el wish to a courageous child with a life-threat-
ening medical condition, in every province! TU
Group and its employees are committed to
contributing $100,000 in 2014.
As one of its fundraising pursuits, 30 of TU
Group’s employees competed as a team in
Tough Mudder, an obstacle course mud run
race, to raise funds. Together, the team raised
nearly $20,000.
Employees also participate in many other
charitable events in and out of the office, such
as Daffodil Month to raise funds for the Ca-
nadian Cancer Society. Every December, the
company teams up to create holiday hampers
for families in need. This is in support of the
Westcoast Families charity.
“It is something near and dear to our hearts.
We generally try to focus our efforts on situ-
ations where—whether people, the environ-
ment, or animals—the common denominator
is that they need help. Our customers use our
products when they’re outside of the coun-
try, so we’re exposed to opportunities to be
socially responsible outside of just our local
communities,” said Robinson.
TU Group has also built long-term relation-
ships with Lloyds Underwriters in London, as
well as Industrial Alliance Insurance and Fi-
nancial Services Inc.
“Industrial Alliance has an entrepreneurial
attitude and a great ethical approach to the
way they do business. They’ve been really
helpful to get us to where we are today,” said
Robinson. “With the outstanding partnerships
we have, we can look forward to another 50
years of helping people have great travel ex-
“Being best managed isn’t about being perfect, but being an organization
that has the willingness to find problems and improve them, to go find
opportunities and exploit them.”