BEC / DEC / 2017 - page 48

which then used the captured CO
in the
adjacent Serres Toundra greenhouse facil-
ity, and is predicted to generate $750,000
in annual revenues.
“The beauty of CO
Solutions’ technology
is that it not only helps mitigate carbon, and
thereby promises to reduce the increasing
liability associated with emitting carbon,
but it also enables an economically viable
reuse of CO
,” says Lyne Ricard, Executive
Director at BBA, the engineering partner
on the Serres Toundra project.
Price says that there is an even bigger
market in second-generation applications
that involves transforming CO
into fuels,
chemicals, food, and materials. “There is
a lot of novel and innovative technology
coming along,” says Price. “It is a way of
“There is a lot of novel and innovative technology coming along—it is a
way of making CO2 the food stock of this new CO2 utilization industry.”
Evan Price, President and CEO
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