through government grants and a sound
investment strategy. For instance, did you
know only RESPs are eligible for savings
incentives like the Canada Education Sav-
ings Grant (CESG) worth up to $7,200? Or
that tax—deferred earnings on contribu-
tions of up to $50,000 per child make RE-
SPs the best way to save for post—sec-
ondary education?
Once the decision is made to open an
RESP, Knowledge First Financial provides
ongoing service to ensure the plan contin-
ues to fit into the family budget and pro-
vide options as their situation changes.
Whether it’s welcoming a new child, pur-
chasing a new home, or a career change,
customer service and sales representa-
tives work together to ensure customers
remain on track to achieve their education
savings goals.
“Knowledge First Financial sets itself
apart by being solely focused on RESPs,”
says Suzanne Martyn—Jones, Vice—Pres-
ident, Marketing and Customer Commu-
nications. “We have a first—hand under-
standing of the benefits of RESPs and can
help Canadian families take advantage of
windows of opportunities to save for their
child’s education.”
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