Page 46 - BEC / DEC / 2021
P. 46
With mandatory provincial public health restrictions tutorials, virtual book clubs, and meal-kits to-go.
ranging from full closures at one extreme, to only During some of our less severe provincial orders,
masking at the other end of the spectrum, the Club we have been able to maintain our full offering of
has had to constantly react to a variety of situations programs while limiting class sizes to ensure proper
since the start of the pandemic. Even during our physical distancing. Recently, a Covid-19 Task Force
province’s most harsh of shutdowns, our Club was comprised of RGC Members with medical and
able to provide unique offerings to our Members so legal backgrounds was created; a survey related
they still felt connected to our community, despite to the potential of a mandatory vaccination policy
being prohibited by the government to physically indicated that 85.9% of respondents were in favour
gather at the Club; this entailed options like online of requiring a double vaccination to use the Club.
fitness classes, virtual sport instruction, cooking After careful evaluation of the Member survey