Page 51 - BEC / DEC / 2021
P. 51

QUALITY OF LIFE                                         Canada (#1 in Western Canada) in which to work

                                                                from home in 2021 by PC Magazine.

        Today’s Coaldale attracts young, working-age
                                                                 “In recent years, Coaldale has started to attract
        families who have been steadily finding the town
                                                                working age populations because of the significant
        is ideally suited to meet their needs because of its
                                                                growth of its business community,” Cameron
        friendly atmosphere, low cost of living, and access
                                                                Mills, Manager of Economic Development &
        to employment opportunities. In fact, Coaldale
                                                                Strategic Initiatives, tells Business Elite Canada.
        has been recognized for its exceptional quality of
                                                                “Investments into industrial land expansion, main
        life including being named the #8 municipality in
                                                                street revitalization, and the continued commitment

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