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Continually raising our standard of excellence          In 10 years, our Club will be celebrating its 70th

        to create an irreplaceable experience that our          anniversary, which means we may have Members

        competitors cannot emulate has been critical.           who will experiencing this special place with
        Additionally, creating a solid online presence and      generations of their families. Being able to help

        cultivating a virtual RGC community has been            families create memories is such a remarkable

        another way the RGC has had to adapt over the last      thing. Evolving over the next decade to be able to
        decade.                                                 welcome even more Edmontonians to experience

                                                                the Royal Glenora Club with their friends and loved

        BEC: What do you hope for the next 10 years of the      ones is the ultimate goal.
        Royal Glenora Club?

        JVW: With a stunning Redevelopment complete,                               
        our Club will be able to accommodate the needs

        of our growing Membership over the next decade.

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