Page 55 - BEC / DEC / 2021
P. 55

“Town officials take great pride in their

                                                                organizational culture focused on working together

                                                                across department lines to support and nurture the
                                                                business community,” he says. “The Town actively

                                                                works to analyze its own operations to reduce
                                                                red tape, and its development team makes itself

                                                                accessible to the business community well outside

                                                                of standard office hours.  The Town’s flexible,
 DH Industrial                                                  customer-service oriented approach to serving the

                                                                business community ensures that businesses in
                                                                Town can spend less time worrying about forms,

                                                                permits, and regulations and more time focused on

                                                                doing what they do best; running their business.”

                                                                Close proximity to Lethbridge is obviously a

                                                                major draw for Coaldale, adds Mills. “For years,
                                                                this allowed for Coaldale to grow in the standard

                                                                “bedroom community” model.  In more recent

                                                                years, Coaldale has worked to change this dynamic
                                                                through a variety of initiatives and maintaining

                                                                a commitment to low commercial taxes; this
                                                                commitment has meant that for several years now

                                                                commercial taxes in Coaldale have been less than

                                                                half those of Lethbridge. As the businesses in the
                                                                region have become more aware of this (along

                                                                with Coaldale’s commitment to red tape reduction)
                                                                they have begun to steadily move to invest in the

                                                                community; for several years now the rate of non-

                                                                residential investment in Town has outpaced its still
                                                                substantial residential growth.”

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