Page 56 - BEC / DEC / 2021
P. 56
Interior Civic Square and Mainstreet
INFRASTRUCTURE UPDATES and attract foreign direct investment into the value-
added agriculture space,” says Mills.
“These types of investments aren’t the type
that generate a lot of excitement in the broader
community, but they are incredibly important,
especially for our business community,” says Mills, Coaldale’s strategy for attracting investment
referring to a multi-million-dollar investment in a features a heavy promotion of partnership
wastewater facility that will ensure Coaldale and the opportunities. “Coaldale has recognized a number
surrounding region are well positioned to support of opportunities to partner with its business
continued investment in Coaldale’s rapid residential community to achieve Town objectives while also
and commercial expansion. providing opportunities to attract investment into
the community,” says Mills. “Two recent examples
“Wastewater capacity expansion means more include its Civic Square project and the recently
opportunity to continue to support the growth of our announced construction of the 2Point0 Ltd.
business community, including emerging industries Recycling Facility.”
targeted as part of Coaldale’s membership
in Canada’s Premier Food Corridor a regional The Civic Square project is a multi-phase project
marketing initiative designed to promote the region that will leverage private investment to revitalize