Page 57 - BEC / DEC / 2021
P. 57
Exterior Civic Square and Mainstreet
Main Street Coaldale while also providing the Town innovation and expertise while ensuring a steady
with a much needed new Town Office space. supply of inputs to their growing business from the
Town,” says Mills. “For Coaldale, the partnership will
With 2Point0 Ltd., the Town has found an ideal partner save the Town tens of thousands of dollars every
to help it manage risk and contain costs in terms of year against one of the most expensive aspects of
one of its most crucial municipal services; the handling virtually all municipal operations; the handling of its
of solid waste, particularly recyclables and organic residential and commercial waste. It’s a true win-
yard waste. Through an innovative partnership model, win for both partners and a testament to Coaldale’s
the Town is supporting 2Point0 as they invest million approach to seek out new ways of delivering high
of dollars into the construction of a new facility in quality services while keeping costs down—which
the Town’s industrial park that will process Blue-bin in turn supports Coaldale’s ability to commit to a
recycling waste, yard waste, and construction debris competitive tax structure and sustainable municipal
waste into a low-carbon fuel product suitable for a operating model.”
number of applications in the private sector, including
serving as an important component in the production
of concrete in the region.
“This model takes advantage of 2Point0’s