is the DNA of the company. It is part of our
culture,” Déziel said.
Despite being well-established in the field,
the challenges continue. Like most indus-
tries, global competition is a challenge for
Corde Electrique. But the company has
a few tricks up its sleeve. Even though
it is a relatively small business, Corde is
equipped like a large company, which gives
it a competitive edge. “We are constantly
investing in technology to stay at the fore-
front in our industry. It is with this in mind
that we have acquired a quality laboratory
for crimping,” Déziel said. This laboratory
allows Corde to ensure a high level of qual-
ity control for its customers. The company
is now in a position to expand across Can-
ada and into the United States.
Presently, Corde Electrique is in the pro-
cessing of implementing the TS 16949
quality standard, a demanding version
of the ISO 9001 standard that is specific
to the automotive industry. According to
Déziel, this standard is structured to limit
or possibly eliminate the risks of products
that are delivered in bulk.
“Cordé Electrique wants to differentiate it-
self by adopting innovative tools and work-
ing with techniques used by large compa-
nies to remain efficient,” Déziel said.
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