electronics factory. Her job centred on
ISO implementation at first, but when the
company asked her to work for their new
wiring harness factory, Déziel met a trade
that she immediately fell in love with: the
field of harnesses.
Life rarely follows a steady path, but
Déziel’s career progressed from team
leader to coordinator to eventually produc-
tion manager in a wiring harness shop.
Afterwards came the downhill ride as her
employer was acquired by foreign buyers,
fell into bankruptcy, liquidated, shut down,
opened up as a new company and then
closed once again a few years later. Find-
ing herself unemployed, Déziel went back
to the food sector — her career had come
full circle.
Even though she had what others coveted
most — a good work schedule, competi-
tive salary and challenges to keeps things
interesting — she was far from satisfied
with her job. The experience lacked pas-
sion, and Déziel was suffocating. And this
“Cordé Electrique wants to differentiate itself by adopting innovative tools and
working with techniques used by large companies.”
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