BEC / FEB / 2017 - page 83

superior quality products in exceptional
The company is based in Valcourt, QC,
and specializes in wiring harness produc-
tion, which is essential for the automotive
industry. Wiring harnesses are cables that
are bound together to carry electrical pow-
er and/or signals.
Not only does the company manufacture
wiring harness for various industries, Cor-
dé specializes in cost reduction analyses,
development of test benches, prototyping
services, inspection and more. Cordé’s
parts are seen in everything from com-
mercial and recreational vehicles to ambu-
lances and fire trucks. One of their recent
projects include a fully customized har-
ness for BRP’s Spyder trailer.
As a result, the company’s awards port-
folio is quite extensive. Corde’s growth
did not go unnoticed. In 2014, it was rec-
ognized by the Réseau SADC & CAE for
its exceptional growth. It was recognized
twice by the Commission de la Santé et
de la Sécurité du Travail (Commission of
Health and Safety in theWorkplace; CSST)
as the SME Winner of Health and Safety
in 2016 and Winner of Health and Safety
Innovation in theWorkplace in 2015. Déziel
herself was recognized by the Réseau des
Femmes d'Affaires du Québec (Women’s
Business Network) for two consecutive
After completing her studies in quality
assurance for the food sector, Déziel re-
ceived a life-changing opportunity at an
“What sets us apart is our flexibility, our technical expertise and our speed.”
Lise Déziel, CEO
Lise Déziel, CEO
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