business elite canada 15
which will connect from south shore to the
airport of Montréal and passing through
the Technoparc, was a significant feature
as ABB believes in public transit and is
a global technology leader in the supply
of electrification of transport around the
world. Furthermore, ABB is engaged in a
partnership with Technoparc to create the
first Quebec designed, manufactured and
integrated last/first mile industrial electric
shuttle with the REM and the Technoparc
offers the perfect test bed for an industrial
Living Lab.”
With an established reputation for re-
search and innovation, Baillargeon says
Technoparc Montreal has now set itself on
answering the question ‘How can the work
life balance for the people who work in the
park be even better?’ The next chapter for
Technoparc is enhancing the life/work bal-
ance and convenience of its residents.
“Around the company there are many
commercial services such as bistros, caf-
eterias, coffee shops, a gym, daycare, car