business elite canada 23
one of the largest respiratory medi-
cine centres in Canada; and a centre
of excellence in bariatric surgery.
“Our Centre is unique in that our re-
search components perfectly comple-
ment the Institute’s clinical missions,”
says Dr. Richard. “This enables health
professionals and researchers to work
in total synergy to the greatest ben-
efit of patients. This synergy turns re-
search findings into better care in har-
mony with the vision of the Fonds de
recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS)
and of the Canadian Institutes of
Health Research (CIHR).”
“Our research teams harness this syn-
ergy for the integrated study of the
metabolic triggers of cardiovascular
and lung diseases, as well as to devel-
op innovative and competitive Que-
bec research in disease prevention
and treatment. In addition, our unique