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search on the etiology of valvular and
vascular diseases. Over the past few
years, the Centre has made break-
through discoveries which will certain-
ly benefit from the implementation of
the new infrastructure. Currently, the
Centre is designing and testing new
devices, techniques, and strategies
for the optimization of cardiovascular
health, and have has pioneered sever-
al novel avenues of investigation.
“We have already obtained highly
promising results in this regard and
we are confident that we will be able,
within the next seven years, to intro-
duce new pharmacotherapies able
to slow the progression or even in-
duce regression of aortic stenosis and
thereby avoid valve replacement sur-
gery in many patients,” says Dr. Rich-
The QHLI team is very well positioned
to do efficient and rapid translation of
the discoveries to clinical practice. In-
deed, it has the expertise, the patient
population, the synergy with clinical
departments, the infrastructure, the
collaborative networks, and the core
labs to successfully accomplish the
early and late translation phases of its
research program.
Concludes Dr. Richard, ''Our research
is changing medical practice for the
greater well-being of the patients.
Without discovery, medical care in
cardiology, respirology and obesity
would not be what it is today.''
Dr. Denis Richard, Director of the Research Centre